Monday, 27 July 2009

LET ME LIVE: architecture final project by Nir levie and Tomer dikerman

Let Me Live is a Criticism project. The main criticism issue of the project is the duplication of dwelling buildings, and the "boring" spaces between them.
The project suggests a dwelling space that allows freedom, diversity, and personal compatibility for the user, while regarding limitations like building technology, performance and budget. The goal is to create personal relation between the resident and the dwelling spaces – and to improve the quality of the place.
In order to achieve that, a system which allows the development of personal dwelling units was developed. The system works in "mass customization" principles. The dwelling space is ordered by the decisions of the residents using a computer system.
In addition, a new building technology was developed, which allows the ability to create such space, economically. The building technology was developed in order to bridge between the theory and the practicality in architecture.

Project by Nir Levie and Tomer dikerman of
Tel Aviv University

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